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Figma to HTML conversion is popular among businesses for creating working and responsive websites. The process remains a steadfast way of gaining an online presence with the power of Figma and HTML. But converting Figma designs to HTML code can be a time-consuming task, which may not work in your favor if you urgently need a website.

This is why plugins exist. They make the lives of coders easier by automatically generating HTML code for their Figma designs. If you want to learn more about Figma HTML plugins, how they are used, and the benefits of choosing Figma, then this detailed blog is for you. The information provided here will give you deeper insights into the top 5 Figma plugins you can use. This information will also help you avoid some common mistakes during the conversion method while using plugins.

A brief overview of Figma

Figma is a renowned website design software that helps create compelling and responsive designs. A Figma file consists of numerous elements that make the website look desirable and user-friendly. The software is popular for providing collaboration access, which means multiple designers and developers can simultaneously work on the project. It also gives a real-life prototype of the design software, so you know how the final website will look.

Benefits of using plugins

Figma-to-HTML plugins were created to speed up the conversion process. They are super useful for developing website projects where the turnaround time is limited. All you need to do is install a plugin extension in your browser or design app, and the plugin will generate the code based on the design.

➤ Plugins save time by automatically generating the HTML code. You don't have to spend time writing code for the design.

➤ You can always regenerate the code if an error occurs.

➤ Plugins offer customization options, so the design can be adjusted accordingly.

➤ Code generated using plugins costs less than handwritten code.

➤ The Figma design-to-HTML code process becomes more efficient when you use a plugin.

The top 5 Figma to HTML conversion plugins you can try

We have prepared a list of the top 5 Figma to HTML conversion plugins that boost your productivity. Developers have multiple tasks to take care of, and getting stuck with writing several codes can hinder their efficiency. Let us have a look at the top plugins:

Top 5 Figma to HTML Plugins

#1. Anima

A very popular plugin, Anima has gained popularity in the market for delivering error-free code. It offers multiple options to make your design-to-code cycle smooth. Anima produces high-level HTML and CSS code for your design while maintaining its responsiveness.

✅ You get consistent design-to-code conversion using Anima.

✅ The created website performs well on different devices, saving you the trouble of generating multiple codes for varying screen sizes.

✅ You get good control over animations and graphics.

#2. Figma to builder

If speed and error-less codes are on your list, then this plugin is perfect for you. It offers a simple user interface that further speeds up the conversion process. You can find additional features like Figma Sketch to HTML code, React, and other related mockups.

✅ This plugin allows third-party integration, enhancing the productivity of the entire process.

✅ You can create custom templates and layouts.

✅ It enhances the efficiency of the Figma to HTML conversion service.

#3. Zeplin

Zeplin is preferred by designers and developers alike for providing high-quality semantic code. Apart from its collaborative specification, Zeplin allows effortless code generation for CSS and HTML snippets. Developers can directly integrate the generated code into their development process, which means no additional editing is required.

✅ This plugin speeds up website development.

✅ It can be well integrated into the Figma tool, leading to higher efficiency during the conversion process.

✅ It offers a simple workspace that can be accessed and used by anyone.

#4. converts your design to code in just one click! The plugin uses large design models to give you production-ready code in no time. It is incorporated into Figma and also gives you a real-time preview. You can simultaneously work on the code to add anything you want.

✅ Locofy gives you a fully live prototype, so you can see what you will get once the development is complete.

✅ It allows you to make changes to the design and code at the same time.

#5. pxCode

Developers who want responsive design and quick conversion should try pxCode. The plugin gives HTML code for different layers; all you have to do is select the one for which code is required. pxCode is known for its speedy conversion, user-friendly interface, and fully responsive code generation.

Read this blog: Convert Figma To HTML: A Step by Step Definitive Guide

How do I install Figma in HTML plugins?

Step 1: Open Figma and access the plugin community

Firstly, one needs to launch the Figma application or use the web version by accessing the Figma website, and then enter the account. On the left sidebar, there is an option called ‘Community.’ Hover over it to find the Figma Community section, where you will find many plugins uploaded by Figma users.

Step 2: Search for Figma in HTML plugins

Move to the Community section, and in the search bar, type in “Figma to HTML” to find the plugins. You can also choose one of the plugins mentioned in the previous section. Simply write the name of the plugin you want to learn more about and press the enter key.

Step 3: Select and review the plugin

After having identified the plugin you want to use next, click on the plugin to get more information on it. Here you will find the description of the plugin, its features specifications, and user reviews. Spend ample time on this step to make sure it suits your needs.

Step 4: Install the plugin

If you are content with the plugin, there will be an “Install” button to click. The beauty of Figma is that, upon typing in the name of the plugin, it will be installed and readily accessible in the projects section, making the installation process super easy.

Step 5: Access the plugin in your project

To use the newly installed plugin, click on an existing Figma file, in which you will make the transformation of the designs into HTML. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, you will find the word “Plugins.” Click that, and you will see all the available plugins. Click the drop-down button and choose the plugin that you recently installed.

Step 6: Bring your designs to life

Strictly adhere to the instructions given by the plugin in Figma to generate HTML code. Depending on the plugin used, each step might differ slightly, but you generally choose the design elements and run the plugin to produce the HTML code.

Step 7: Export and use the code

After export, the converted HTML code can be used in further web development projects. Remember to check the code and make the necessary changes to suit your needs.

Plugins vs. Hand-coding

Time is the real money! Developers and designers keep plugins installed so the work is done quickly. While plugins remain an efficient way of generating code for designs, many professionals still prefer the handcoding process. Below is an honest comparison of code generated using plugins and manual hand coding:

Long-term effects

Undoubtedly, the Figma plugin is a relatively fast way of getting to HTML, but handcoding is a stronger and more sustainable one. Some plugins can come with pre-defined codes that may later need to be modified, making the process difficult. This way, handcoding enables us to achieve clean semantic markup for better control of the website structure and its functionality. This means that the site will be easier to maintain, will load quickly, and can grow with you.

Access to source code

On one hand, plugins give an opportunity to extend functionality; on the other, they work like a closed box. Hand-coding provides you with the ability to see and modify the source code directly, which forms the foundation of your website. This helps in extended personalization, debugging, and further enhancement of the code, as needed. With a hand-coded code structure, you have complete control over the project. This means you can customize it whenever a change is required.

Time efficiency

Figma allows you to design freely, but coding the same design in HTML and CSS is much less enjoyable since coding is a tedious task. Figma to HTML plugins are useful in such a case!These tools also help to fill this gap, which means you can directly get clean HTML code without having to write it. You no longer need to spend several hours typing code lines, as plugins help you concentrate on enhancing your layout or addressing other issues related to your project. It is like having a coder who never gets tired of working on the characters in the background.

How can PSDtoHTMLNinja help you with Figma to HTML conversion?

The Figma to HTML conversion service is gaining traction for being an effortless and highly optimized method of getting a responsive website. You do not have to take on the responsibility of creating such a website on your own. Hiring a Figma to HTML conversion company can save you from the trouble of excessive work. Whether you want us to use plugins or hand-written semantic code is what you prefer, our experts can do both.

With over a decade of experience, we know how to breathe life into static designs. We call ourselves one of the best in the field because:

1. 24*7 attention

We believe in staying accessible to our clients around the clock. You can reach out to us at any time, and our dedicated team will always be on its toes to assist you in a responsible manner.

2. Plugin experience

Though using plugins for creating code is not rocket science, one still needs expertise to edit this code. Our expert coders efficiently use plugins as they are well-versed in industry trends.

3. Hand-written semantic code

We hire experienced and certified coders who write clean HTML and CSS code for our clients. Manually writing the code ensures reduced chances of errors and quick customization.

4. Easy order process

You can head to our “Order Now” page and place your order. You only need to enter some basic details and project information, and our team will get back to you.

5. Per-page cost structure

We follow a transparent pricing structure where the cost is decided on a per-page basis. We charge $159 for a homepage and $99 for an inner page.

Drop an email at [email protected], and we will make sure you get a world-class Figma to HTML service.

Emma Smith

Responsible for creating a sales funnel, attracting top-of-the-funnel customers, and converting the target market.

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